World Consumer Rights Day 2023 – Consumer Rights & Responsibility – Jago Grahak Jago

consumer rights

In a world of full corruption and unfairness, the most looted are consumers due to a lack of knowledge and awareness. The consumer rights project addresses providing all kinds of protections to a consumer. 

Protection of their safety, their health, their life, and their rights. Maybe you are thinking about who is a consumer and what are consumer rights. This might be seeming quite unfamiliar but this is the thing everyone should know. Why? Because every single human is a consumer and has the right to be not part of the hunting of some predator traders. We will also discuss World Consumer Rights Day 2023, and World Consumer Rights Day 2023 theme briefly.

World Consumer Rights Day

Before going to consumer rights first understand who is a consumer keenly. This will give you a strong reason to read this write-up. Let’s start with who is a consumer?

Who Is A Consumer

An individual person or a group of people who are using the product (goods or services) and not selling the product to anyone else, In other words, we can say “the final buyer of the product is a consumer.”

The definition indicates that every living human is a consumer but the owner of the company or the retailers are not the consumer. No! They are selling one product only but somewhere they too are using some things that mean everyone is a consumer. Still, the exact definition of who is a consumer is given above in bold letters.

Now let’s come to the consumer rights and consumer rights project. 

Consumer Rights

Consumer rights can be defined in the terms of information, information about the quality, quantity, safety, purity, potency, standards, and price of goods and services that are purchased by a consumer. 

consumer rights project

Consumer rights day is celebrated on 15 March. Keeping the above-mentioned terms in mind there is some consumer rights are set by the government in the favor of consumers:

  • Right to safety
  • Right to basic needs
  • Right to information
  • Right to be heard
  • Right to choose
  • Right to redress
  • Right to consumer education
  • Right to a healthy environment

These are some of them.

Here this write-up will help you to learn thoroughly about consumer rights that will help you avoid becoming an object of injustice.

Consumer Rights Project

Right To Safety

Right to safety directly indicates the protection of consumers against the marketing of products that are hazardous to the life and property of the consumers. This right specifically includes the health of consumers. Many times due to the immoral practices of pharmaceuticals, doctors, hospitals, and automobile industries millions of people are killed or seriously injured. So everything that can affect the life or health of a consumer such as food, drinks, cars, drugs, etcetera should be verified by the appropriate agencies given below.

  • For food and drugs – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • For automobiles – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
  • For various other consumer products – The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

But still, it is the consumer’s responsibility to choose a safe product according to its suitability.

Right to basic needs

The fulfillment of basic needs is the basic principle of human rights. The right to basic needs gives you access to basic and fundamental needs that includes nutritious food, water, health care, clothes, education, shelter, and sanitation. 

Right to information

Right to information is that a consumer should be informed about the product’s detail thoroughly, such as the quality, quantity, safety, purity, potency, standards, and price of goods and services. In India information is mainly spread by two paths, advertisement, and the mouth of words.

Both are not the right sources of information because advertisements provide only the pro information about the product. Mouth word is the worst kind of information source because of this you can never get the right information about the safety, suitability, and reliability of the product. 

Apart from these ways, there is a third way initiated by the government. According to this, the manufacturers have to label the product with the necessary details such as the prize, quantity, manufacturer date, expiry date, and ingredients used in the product making. 

This is a good way to protect the Right of Information of a consumer, this will also help to purchase the product and choose the right one to purchase because of the displayed ingredients. Anyone can be allergic to certain ingredients, so it is a better option to protect the Right of Information of a consumer as well as the Right to Safety.

Right to be heard

The right to be heard can be defined in the terms of the assurance that the corporation is receiving the interest and choice of the consumer. If the consumer has any complaints or queries regarding the products then the cooperative world should hear the voice of consumers that what problem they are facing because of their product. 

Right to be heard

To make right to be heard more effective there is a website with the name, on this website one can file a complaint against the company they have an issue with. Each complaint file on this website is individually checked by an investigator of and this further proceeds. To empower the right to be heard, the government has made so many efforts and still trying to make it better.

Do You Know – Being a human you have 30 rights to live. Read Here about Your Human Rights.

Right to choose

Selecting the brand of your choice from among the many competing brands can be defined as the right to choose. Monopolistic markets despoil the right to choose from the consumers as per there is no component available. So the main required factor for the right to choose is competition.

Right to redressal

According to the Right to Redressal Protection Act 1986, to seek redressal against unfair trade practices, restrictive trade practices, or unscrupulous exploitation is the right to redressal. For the protection of the Right to redressal, there are categorized forums in India at the district level, state level, and national level. 

Right to a healthy environment

The right to a healthy environment can be considered as the extension of the Right to basic needs. The Right to a healthy environment directly indicates the balance of those environmental factors that affect human life and provides human health.

Right-to-consumer education

Right-to-consumer education is all about spreading awareness about the rights of consumers all over the country so that each consumer gets well aware of the consumer rights project and escapes to become hunted by predator traders.

World Consumer Rights Day 2023

World Consumer Rights Day 2023 will be celebrated on 15 March 2023 like every year with the intention to spread awareness of the rights and responsibilities of consumers and its need. Consumer awareness is crucial and raising voices regarding their rights is also a crucial part of it. To spread this message globally we celebrate World Consumer Rights Day every year.

World Consumer Rights Day 2023 Theme

Every year World Consumer Rights Day is decided to spread a strong message. World Consumer Rights Day 2023 theme is – “Empowering Consumers through Clean Energy Transitions.”

Consumer Helpline

The consumer helpline is necessary for the point of queries and complaints of the consumers. In other words, if you purchased any goods or services and found defects in the product, in that condition you can go first to and then can call on the national toll-free number 1800-11-4000 OR 14404 given on the home page to register your complaint or can ask your query regarding the product you purchased. 

consumer helpline number

Central Consumer Protection Council

Central Consumer Protection Council is established by the Central Government. This authority was set for the purpose of the protection of rights of consumer against improper trade services and wrong advertisement. The current consumer affairs minister of India is Piyush Goyal.

Consumer Resposibilities

Despite all this, consumers also have certain responsibilities. After knowing the  Consumer Responsibilities and adopting them one can never be cheated. Here we are sharing some key points that can be termed Consumer Responsibilities below.

  • First of all, it is very important to have all the necessary information about the product or service you are purchasing. So make sure that you have the complete information about the product you are buying, without information one should not buy the product. You might purchase irrelevant products due to the lack of information.
  • You should check out that the product you are purchasing is safe and have good quality.
  • Never buy any item at the behest of the shopkeeper or any other person. Always choose independently on the basis of what you like and what will suit you.
  • Always give honest feedback about the goods or services you experienced it will help the manufacturer in the improvement of that good or service. 
  • Always try to purchase sustainable goods. By using sustainable goods you will avoid more and more garbage material and pollution. That will make you a well-aware consumer

These were some consumer responsibilities that everyone should adopt to become 

“Bharat Ke Jagrook Nagrik”.

Final Words

For your and your family’s protection purpose, it is necessary to have information about the quality, quantity, safety, purity, potency, standards, and price of goods and services that you are purchasing. Most the consumers do not have any idea that they are being cheated while purchasing any good or service but if they are aware, they do not need to suffer.

To spread this message globally we celebrate World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March every year and World Consumer Rights Day 2023 theme is selected – “Empowering Consumers through Clean Energy Transitions.”

A very familiar line you have heard lots of times is “Jago Grahak Jago”. This line is just made to awake Indian consumers. The consumer rights project is often given in schools so this write-up will also help in your consumer rights project if your topic is a consumer rights project. Hope the write-up was useful for you and you will remember your rights. If we missed something and you have information about that right then let us know through your comments.


Are consumer rights and consumer duties the same?

Consumer rights can be defined in the terms of information, information about the quality, quantity, safety, purity, potency, standards, and price of goods and services that are purchased by a consumer. Whereas consumer duties are to check the price, expiry dates, weights, etc.

What are consumer rights and responsibilities?

Consumer rights and responsibilities are thoroughly explained in the write-up.

When is consumer rights day celebrated?

Consumer rights day is celebrated on 15 March.

How can consumer rights be protected?

By informing about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard, and price of goods and by protecting consumers from unfair trade practices.

How can consumer rights be violated?

Consumer rights can be violated by not providing the right information about the product, by fake advertisement, unrevealed prices, etc.

Where can I complain about consumer rights?

You can call on the national toll-free number 1800-11-4000 OR 14404 to register your complaint or can ask your query regarding the product you purchased. 

How many consumer rights are there in India?

There are 8 basic consumer rights in India.

What are the 8 basic rights of a consumer?

Right to safety
Right to basic needs
Right to information
Right to be heard
Right to choose
Right to redress
Right to consumer education
Right to a healthy environment

Which day is celebrated on 15 March?

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on 15 March every year.

What is the theme of 2023 World Consumer Rights Day?

The World Consumer Rights 2023 theme is – “Empowering Consumers through Clean Energy Transitions.”

Priti Vishwakarma 1 - The Internet Stud
Priti Vishwakarma

Priti Vishwakarma works as a wordsmith at The Internet Stud. She is a very talented author whose words are illuminating writeups of The Internet Stud.

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