International Day of Friendship 2023 – Theme, History, Quotes, & Interesting Facts

International Day of Friendship 2023

Friendship is the name of a relationship that lasts forever on the basis of bond and trust only, this is the only relationship that can be established with anyone without any condition. To celebrate this trust, help, guidance, and support, we are going to celebrate International Day of Friendship 2023 this year.

In this write-up, we will have a quality conversation on International Day of Friendship 2023 by including various aspects like the International Day of Friendship theme 2023, International Day of Friendship in India, International Day of Friendship in the world, International Day of Friendship dates in different countries, International Day of Friendship history, the significance of International Day of Friendship, why do we celebrate International Day of Friendship, how to celebrate International Day of Friendship, International Day of Friendship activities, Friendship Day hashtag, International Day of Friendship quotes 2023, Friendship Day quotes 2023, interesting facts about International Day of Friendship, etc. So let’s get started with the briefing about International Day of Friendship 2023.

International Day of Friendship 2023

International Day of Friendship 2023 will be commemorated on 30 July 2023 to increase the friendship between people, organizations, communities, and nations because it can lead to a peaceful, understanding, and reconciled world.

International Day of Friendship 2023

Promoting friendship worldwide is the main objective behind the celebration of the International Day of Friendship. We know the value of a friend who stands behind us all the time we need even after the busy schedule everyone is dealing with. Then without thinking, we also stand with our friends, it is necessary, if this thing is not limited only between two friends but is established in the whole world, then there will never be a possibility of war. 

To spread this message and flower of friendship in the whole world UN General Assembly initiated the International Day of Friendship on 30 July. By the way, different countries also celebrate Friendship Day on different dates that we have shared ahead.

International Day of Friendship Theme 2023

The International Day of Friendship theme 2023 is “Sharing the human spirit through friendship”. This theme tells us the importance of friendship that how we can spread peace, solidarity, and mutual understanding through friendship.

International Day of Friendship History

The UN General Assembly announced 30 July as the International Day of Friendship in the year 2011. But the International Day of Friendship history begins a century before in the 1930s when a company named Hallmark started printing and selling Friendship Cards. Friendship Day was first celebrated on 2 August but people thought friendship cards were just a medium of making money for the company, so this tradition got failed.

After that, in the year 1958, Joyce Hall (An American Businessman) announced a global holiday on the occasion of Friendship Day so that people can actually understand the importance of this and can enjoy it in their own way but this time the date of International Friendship Day was shifted from 2nd August to 7 August.

During this same period time, an International Civil Organization called World Friendship Crusade proposed an idea to celebrate the International Day of Friendship on 30th July. It was later in the year 2011, adopted by the UN General Assembly. So many countries celebrate Friendship Day on 30th July while other countries have chosen different dates.

International Day of Friendship Dates In Other Countries

Along with 30th July, many other counties celebrate the International Day of Friendship on different dates, so here we are sharing the list of International Day of Friendship dates in other countries.

CountriesInternational Day of Friendship Dates
Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Finland, Estonia14 February
International Day of Friendship in South Africa16 April
International Day of Friendship in SingaporeThird Week
International Day of Friendship in Ukraine9 June
International Day of Friendship in Pakistan19 July
International Day of Friendship in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Uruguay20 July
International Day of Friendship in Bolivia23 July
International Day of Friendship in Nepal30 July
International Day of Friendship in Paraguay30 July
International Day of Friendship In Australia30 July
International Day of Friendship In Canada30 July
International Day of Friendship in IndiaFirst Sunday in August (6 August this year)
International Day of Friendship in UAEFirst Sunday in August (6 August this year)
International Day of Friendship in BangladeshFirst Sunday in August (6 August this year)
International Day of Friendship MalaysiaFirst Sunday in August (6 August this year)
International Day of Friendship USAFirst Sunday in August (6 August this year)

International Day of Friendship In India

International Day of Friendship In India is celebrated on the first Sunday in August month every year, hence the International Day of Friendship In India 2023 will be commemorated on 6 August 2023. The craze of Friendship in India begins with Bollywood movies and this is a special occasion for teenagers and college students. They tie up friendship bans to each other as a sign of their friendship bond.

International Day of Friendship In Australia

International Day of Friendship In Australia is celebrated on 30th July, as the UN General Assembly takes the resolution to celebrate Friendship Day on this day. The whole world is celebrating Friendship in the hope to build a peaceful and discrimination-free world.

Why Do We Celebrate International Day of Friendship

Why Do We Celebrate International Day of Friendship? The main purpose to dedicate a whole day to friendship is to increase friendship between everyone including people, organizations, communities, and countries. There are numerous significance of International Day of Friendship.

Significance of International Day of Friendship

By making friends, the chances of a fight between the above-mentioned will decrease. We will be able to create a peaceful and understanding surrounding for us because nobody can understand us more than a friend.

Friendship is a relationship that can not be compared with any other relationship in the world, it is the most trustable and pure relationship you will ever fell in. This is the only relationship that happens automatically without any condition, just like that.

To dedicate a day to such a supportive relationship is worthy. And this is why we celebrate Friendship Day in India and the whole world.

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How To Celebrate International Day of Friendship 2023

Friendship Day is all about to cheering up your bond with your friends. There are many ways to celebrate International Day of Friendship 2023. Lets see some ideas for how to celebrate International Day of Friendship.

  • Go to the favorite designation of your friend to chill for the whole day.
  • Gift something special thing to your best friend to make them feel special.
  • Make friendship cards by yourself, this will definitely make your friends happy.
  • Do activities of your friend’s choice.
  • Give a treat of the favorite food of your friends, and take also.

These are some International Day of Friendship activities you can do with your friends to make the day more special.

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Friendship Day Hashtag 2023

Here we are sharing some Friendship Day hashtags to use while celebrating the day online.

  • #happyfriendshipday
  • #friendshipgoals
  • #realfriendship
  • #friendshipgoals❤️
  • #bestfriends
  • #bff
  • #friendshipvibes

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Friendship Day Quotes 2023

There are numerous Friendship Day quotes are available that can add a different texture to your Friendship Day wishes. So here we are sharing some of the Friendship Day Quotes 2023.

“Making a hundred friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a single friend, who will stand by your side even when hundreds are against you.”

– Jhon Spence

“Friends are made by heart, not by the color.”

– By Unknown

“Happiness is having a husband, who is also your best friend.”

– By Unknown

“There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.”

– Charlotte Brontë

“True friends are like diamonds – beautiful, bright,  valuable, and always in style.”

– Nicole Richie

“Be slow to fall into friendship, but when you are in, continue firm and constant.”

– Socrates

“Friends are the family you choose.”

– Jess C Scott

“If you have many friends, you’re lucky, If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky.”

– S.E. Hinton

“True friends are always together in spirit.”

– Anne Shirley

“The best mirror is an old friend.”

– George Herbert

Facts About Friendship

In this write-up, we have understood many aspects of International Day of Friendship 2023 but still, there are some facts about Friendship you must have read up on.

  • Humans can recognize friends at the age of 9 months.
  • Adult humans can have a maximum of 2 Best friends.
  • 57% of teenagers make friends online.
  • To quit any habit increased when your best friend quits it too.

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Hence, we can conclude that celebrating the International Day of Friendship 2023 is a good initiative to establish peace, mutual understanding, and helpful surrounding. You can enjoy the relationship of trust and support by doing some International Day of Friendship activities and can thank your besties for being supportive at a hard time.

In this write-up, we have learned many more about the International Day of Friendship 2023 by discussing the crucial aspects of the including International Day of Friendship theme 2023, International Day of Friendship in India, International Day of Friendship in the world, International Day of Friendship dates in different countries, International Day of Friendship history, the significance of International Day of Friendship, why do we celebrate International Day of Friendship, how to celebrate International Day of Friendship, International Day of Friendship activities, Friendship Day quotes 2023, International Day of Friendship hashtag, International Day of Friendship quotes 2023, interesting facts about International Day of Friendship, etc.

Hope the content was useful and informative enough for you. Thanks for reading.


What is the real date of Friendship Day 2023?

Friendship Day 2023 real date is 30 July but many other countries celebrate this day on different dates. Friendship Day in India is observed on the First Sunday of August Month each year. So Friendship Day 2023 in India will be commemorated on 6 August.

What is celebrated on 30 July?

The International Day of Friendship is celebrated on 30 July, it was declared by the UN General Assembly to promote the role of Friendship in day-to-day life and practicing peaceful culture.

Priti Vishwakarma 1 - The Internet Stud
Priti Vishwakarma

Priti Vishwakarma works as a wordsmith at The Internet Stud. She is a very talented author whose words are illuminating writeups of The Internet Stud.

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