top 20 Best Business Books To Read In 2023

Best business books to read

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

– Warren Buffett

Books play an essential role in the life of every entrepreneur. And specifically, there are some masterpiece books available in the market which Best Business Books to read. This business book will not only help you in your business but also help you in the development of your personality. Some of them are business books for beginners.

So here, In this blog, we will talk about The top 20 business books you must read.

The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness.

Best Business Books to read

The Psychology of Money is written by Morgan Housel who is a former columnist at The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal.

By far this book is considered one of the best business books to read on finances. This was considered one of the best financial books in the year 2020.

The author says many of us do not know how to manage money, how to invest? Where to invest? And for how much time do we need to invest?

Most of the time when you lose the money you blame the Stock market, the Economy, or someone else but what you forgot is that you never learned about investing, you always believed in someone and invested your money. This is one of the Best Business Books to read among our list of top 20 business books.

Corporate Chanakya

Best Business Books to read

Corporate Chanakya is written by Corporate Chanakya, Radhakrishnan Pillai is considered a modern-day Chanakya. He wrote more than 12 books only on Chanakya.

This book helps you to understand business, politics, and management from Chanakya’s point of view. This book was a bestseller when it was launched in the year 2010. Corporate Chanakya is considered the best business book to read all over the globe.

FACT- Do you know? Even PM Modi read this book.

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

Best Business Books to read

Shoe Dog is written by Phil Knight. It is one of the best business books to read and understand the pain, struggle, and challenges entrepreneurs face when starting a business. How Phil knight made Nike one of the biggest footwear companies in the world.

How Nike subcategory Nike Jordan started and how they decided the name Nike for the company.

When he married Penny Knight and how she became part of the Nike company and helped Phil to grow the business.

FACT- Do you know? Nike spends 3.7 billion U.S. dollars every year on marketing.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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This book is written by Robert Kiyosaki in the year 1997 and still, it is considered one of the best business books to read in the world. Rich Dad Poor Dad has sold over 32 million copies in more than 51 languages across more than 109 countries.

We all know about this book but you might be thinking why I am recommending this book to you?

If you are a beginner in the business and Entrepreneurship industry then you should read this book because this is one of the best business books for beginners. This book will help you to understand why business is more important than a job. How rich people save taxes. What are the tricks they use to save money?

FACT- Do you know? Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump are best friends.

The business of the 21st century

Best Business Books to read

This book is returned in the year 2010 by Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. This book will help you to understand the business from a different point of view.

Also, you will get learnings from the life of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. How he became one of the most successful business couples in America.

Best Business Books to read

The author of the book talks about the four quadrants:

E Quadrant– People who are in the E Quadrant, always working for someone or understanding someone. Most of them are struggling financially to become independent. Some of the reports say most people don’t like a job but they are doing it.

S Quadrant- People who are in the S Quadron, take one step forward and they are courageous and responsible to start their own business.

They are also known as a solopreneur. They are the only ones to handle their business. Most of the time is spent on growing and handling their business.

Note next 2 quadrants are not easy to enter.

B Quadrant- People who are in B Quadrant, do not work for the money. Money works for them.

This is the Quadrant that you need to target. In this Quadrant, you have a well-established business and you started earning a major a good amount of money.

I Quadrant- This is one of the hardest quadrants to enter. In this quadrant, you become the investor and the person who runs the business. You started investing in other businesses to earn money.

We all know people like Warren Buffett, Mukesh Ambani, Naval Ravikant, etc these are the people who run their businesses, and they are great investors.

Their major income comes from the investments that they made. So we can consider this book as the best business book for beginners on the list of our top 20 business books.

Tools of Titans

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Tim Ferris in the year 2016. Tim Ferris sold his business BrainQUICKEN to a London-based private equity firm for an undisclosed amount.

Now he runs a podcast and writes books to help others. This book will help you to gain lots of experiences from different fields. It is a summary of 500 podcasts that he did with different people from all over the world.

Crushing It!

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Gary Vaynerchuk in the year 2018. This book will help you to understand how the world of the internet works. What you can do in this world of the internet.

This book also helps you to understand different social media platforms like Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc. What is the purpose of these platforms? What platforms are used for what purposes?

Crushing It is the best business book if you want to understand how you can create a business with the help of Social Media. If you are addicted to social media then this book is going to be the Best Business book to read for you.

Marketing Management

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This book is written by Philip Kotler in the year 1967. Philip Kotler is known as one of the best marketing authors of all time. If you are planning to start a business then this is a must-read book for you.

Marketing is one the most important area of any business and nowadays digital marketing is one of the popular fields and it is becoming a new trend in the world.

This book will help you to understand how marketing works. What are the tactics used for marketing? What things do you need to do to market your products? How much money you will use for marketing?

One of the best business books to read if you want to understand how marketing works.

Zero to One

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Peter Thiel in the year 2014 who started Paypal with Elon Musk.

This book will help you to understand how you can create a phenomenal product. What kind of mindset do you need to carry to make a revolutionary product in the market.

How Amazon started selling books and became the market leader then? Why has Google become the most dominating search engine in the world? What was the reason behind creating Paypal with Elon musk in the year 1998?

One of the best business books to read if you want to understand how to build a mindset that will create a revolution in the market.

7days to start up

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Don Norris in the year 2014. Don Norris is an American entrepreneur who started which help to fix WordPress issues.

Don Norris made profitable within 7 days and sold to Godaddy after 2 years over $1m.

In this book, the author talks about how he makes his business profitable within 7 days. What was the reason behind starting it? How he was profitable within 7 days?

He even gives you the blueprint of how you can start your business within 7 days?

People struggle to start their businesses for decades, and some of them can not make a profit even after grabbing market share. This is the best business book to read if you want to start your business quickly.

FACT- Do you know Amazon is still not profitable in India?

Let’s Talk Money

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Monika Halan in the year 2018. She is Consulting Editor with Mint, India’s second-largest business daily, and a well-known media personality.

The author of the book talks about how you need to change your mindset from other Indian people. What growth hacks should you use and where do you need to invest your money in the market. She explains how you need to divide your money into 3 accounts.

Income A/c- How much you are earning from your current job.

SpendingA/c- How much do you need to spend? It means you need to make a monthly budget for yourself. Yes, it is boring but you can not achieve financial freedom without making the monthly budget.

Investing A/c- How much you will invest and where? We live in a modern India we have a variety of options stocks, Real estate, government and gold bonds, and the most hype word cryptocurrency.

The author also talks about how much you need to save for an emergency in case you will run out of money. By far one of the best business books to read on investing.

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by the CEO of Netflix and Erin Meyer who is an American author. The author of the book talks about how to build organizational culture.

How did Netflix become one of the best OTT companies in the world? How everyone in the Netflix company is allowed to make the decisions without asking for each and everything for their senior.

How Netflix employees are allowed to take unlimited holidays. They always focus on hiring the best talent for the organization. The author of the book also gives the solution to how to retain employees in the company.

If you want to understand how you can create a positive culture for your company then this is the best business book to read.

Sam Walton: Made In America

Best Business Books to read

This book was written by Sam Walton. Sam Walton was one of the richest people in America before bill gates.

Sam Walton started the world’s largest retail store chain Walmart. Which provide all types of products under one roof like a BigBazaar and DMart. The author of the book talks about how he made Walmart so successful. How did they become one of the largest retail stores in the world?

FACT- Do you know Walmart started using wooden shelves to display their products when no one was doing it?

They use to order products in bulk from the manufacturer and use to sell them in the market directly. If you planning to start a retail business then this is one of the best business books to read.

Hit Refresh: A Memoir by Microsoft’s CEO

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by the current CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella. He is the third CEO of Microsoft. In this book, Satya Nadella talks about his journey to becoming CEO of Microsoft.

What vision, mission, and Mindset he is carrying to grow Microsoft. How he is using technology to help children with special needs. How he is using technology to help children with special needs. How he became aware he needs to develop technology for children with special needs.

This is one of the best business books to read if you want to start a business in the tech and IT sectors. How Artificial intelligence and Machine learning will be the future of technology.

Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson

Best Business Books to read

This book was published just after the death of Steve Jobs. This book will help you to understand the life of Steve Jobs and his spiritual journey in India. How Steve named the company Apple. Why he sold Pixar to Walt Disney Studios.

Why does he always keep a minimalist approach towards apple products. How he was able to distinguish apple products from other competitors in the market and the rise and fall of Apple iPods in the market. His journey with cancer and how he died because of cancer.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Jordan Belfort in the year 2007. From this book, you will learn many lessons from the life of Jordan Belfort.

How he started Stratton Oakmont, Inc. which deals in the share market. In the year 1989 and become one of the richest people in America and defeated many of its competitors. The author of the book talks about his mistakes and his downfall in the book and eventually, all this leads to bankruptcy.

This is one of the best business books to read if you want to start your business in the Share market and give a lot of learning from the life of Jordan Belfort.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

Best Business Books to read

This book is based on the life of Naval Ravikant. It is written by Eric Jorgenson. It is a summary of various podcasts and interviews given by Naval Ravikant.

Naval Ravikant is an Angel Investor from Silicon Valley and CEO of AngelList. He was an early investor in Twitter and Uber.

Naval Ravikant talks about you need to become a lifelong learner. You need to start your own business to live a financially free life. Naval also talks about his early days of life in this book.

How he was born in a Middle-class family in India and how he came to America and started his own life. He also talks about how he makes choices and you need to make hard choices in life to live an easy life.

How every successful entrepreneur always gives and then gets. This is one of the best business and life books to read if you want to live a happy and balanced life.

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.

Best Business Books to read

This book is based on the life of Elon musk and it is written by Ashlee Vance. It gives you various lessons from the life of Elon Musk. How he overcame the traumatic childhood after his parents took divorce.

How he manages his time and mange so many different companies and all of them are in different cities. What will his plan with the companies and how he looks at the future which is full of technology?

If you want to start your business in the technology sector then it is the best business book to read.

McDonald’s: Behind the Arches

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by john f love. This book will help you to understand how McDonald’s became so big and how they are the market leader.

Their management skills are considered one of the best in the world. How they opted for the franchise model? How do they customize their business for different countries?

This is the best business book if you are thinking to start a food retail outlet.

FACT- They serve burgers to 1% of the world’s population every day.

Think Like a Monk

Best Business Books to read

This book is written by Jay Shetty in the year 2020. He is a Youtuber, Podcaster, and modern-day monk. You might be thinking about why I am recommending this book to you?

If you want to start a business or already doing business then this is the book that will help you a lot? It will help you to understand why you need to meditate and why it is important for you as an entrepreneur.

What benefits you will get with the help of meditation in your business. One of the best books on Spirituality and the best book to read for entrepreneurs as well.

final words

In this blog, we have talked about the top 20 business books you should read to become a better entrepreneur or before starting your business and to polish your investing skills.


Best business books for beginners?

I will suggest you read these 2 books The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
and Corporate Chanakya if you are a beginner.

Best business books 2021

No Rules Rules and Crushing It! are the most needed books to read in

Best business book to read on Marketing?

Marketing Management Philip Kotler is the best business book to read
on Marketing

Best business books to read for college students?

If you are in college then read these 3 books Shoe Dog: A Memoir by
the Creator of Nike, Let’s Talk Money, and Think Like a Monk.

Best business books to read of all time?

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is an all-time best business book to read.

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Yash Gulabani

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