41 Miners Died In Mile Explosion In Turkey

Image Source: KSUT

Image Source: NBC News

Very bad news coming from Amasra, Turkey.

Image Source: The Guardian

Friday evening, a terrible explosion took place in the coal mine.

Image Source: BBC News

At the time 110 miners were working in the mile several 100 meters under.

Image Source: ABC News

In this heart-wrenching accident, 41 miners lost their lives.

The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan also reached there.

Image Source: The Guardian  Nigeria

Out of 110, 11 were injured terribly and 58 were rescued unharmed fortunately but we lost 41.

Image Source: Time

Hope the injured miners will get well soon. 

Image Source: Wall Street Journal

To Be More Updated.

Image Source: USA Today