Shraddha Case - Aftab's Narco Test May Happen Today

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The whole of India is pleading for justice for Shraddha.

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And today may court will get some very important information in this case, why?

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Because the court has given permission for the Narco test of Shraddha's murderer Aftab.

Image Source - OpIndia

And the Narco of Aftab may happen today. What's that?

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The Narco test is also known as Truth Serum and is done for the investigation of many important cases earlier.

In the Narco test, the suspect is given some drugs like Sodium Pentathol, Scopolamine, and Sodium Amytal.

After the injection of these drugs, the suspect went into a hypnosis condition and then get interrogated.

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And became less caring, so can tell the things he/she can never speak consciously.

Image Source - Indya TV News

Let's see if the investigators get something that can do justice to Shraddha.

To Be Always Pre-Updated