What Happened With Missing Princeton Student??

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Image Souce: Sportskeeda

Princeton student Misrach Ewunetie was missing the last week.

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Ewunetie was last seen at around 3 am on Friday near Scully Hall on the school's campus.

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Law enforcement searched the whole campus with helicopters and drones.

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Image Souce: Sportskeeda

On Friday, very shocking news came and everyone was just stunned.

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20 years-old Misrach Ewunetie was found dead by a facilities officer on Thursday at around 1 pm.

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Misrach Ewunetie's body was found outside on the Facilities grounds behind the tennis courts.

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Image Souce: Sportskeeda

But according to the reports, there is no obvious sign present on her body.

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Image Souce: Sportskeeda

May the truth will unveil soon and Misrach Ewunetie will get justice.

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Image Souce: Sportskeeda

To Be More Updated.