Learn These Terms Before Watching Shark Tank!

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Here we are sharing 6 unique but important terms used in Shark Tank India Season 2.

Black Section Separator


Moat is an advantage of a company that is completely distinct from other competitive companies, eg. brand identity, and patents. It is impossible to mimic.

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Black Section Separator


 A Go-To-Market is the strategic plan of a company that clears how a company will reach out to the target consumers and will get the advantage.

Image Credit: Business Today

Black Section Separator


EBITDA is the net income or earning of a company including interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

Image Credit: Business Today

Black Section Separator

Safe Note

Safe Note can be considered as the promise of equity share in the future and does not allow immediate sharing in the company.

Image Credit: Business Today

Black Section Separator


Equity is the ownership stake of the company that is gained in exchange for money.

Image Credit: Business Today

Black Section Separator


Revenue is the total amount of money a company generates after the sales of its products and services.

Image Credit: Business Today