Do You Know This About Chandrayaan 3 Mission?

ISRO successfully launched Chandrayaan 2 Mission but a tiny glitch at the last moment messed up the whole mission.

Image Credit: aerospace-technology

Now India is ready to bounce back and we are ready to launch Chandrayaan 3 Mission.

Image Credit: Jatan's Space

Let me share some differences between Chandrayaan 2 and Chandrayaan 3.

Image Credit: India18

Chandrayaan 2 included three parts in itself – the orbiter, the lander, and the rover.

Chandrayaan 3 include only two parts – the lander and the rover, there will be no orbiter.

Image Credit: aerospace-technology

Chandrayaan 2 lander Vikram was five 800 Newtons engines and the fifth one was mounted centrally.

Chandrayaan 3 will have four throttle-able engines.

Image Credit: India18

The lander of Chandrayaan 3 will also be equipped with Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) which was not in the Chandrayaan 2.

The legs of Chandrayaan 3 landers are manufactured stronger than Chandrayaan 2.

Image Credit: Jatan's Space

Chandrayaan 3 launch date is scheduled for June 2023.

Image Credit: aerospace-technology

Former Chairman of ISRO K. Sivan has stated that ₹615 crores are an estimation for the Chandrayaan 3 launch.

Image Credit: India18

Chandrayaan 3 test was conducted on 24 February 2023 at the ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu.

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