7 Countries Providing FREE Education To Indian Students

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Here I will share the list of 7 countries that are offering Free or near-FRee education to International students.

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At the under-graduated level, German Public Universities are providing free tuition for all students including International students. However, there might be other administrative fees or living expenses.


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The public Universities of Norway are also providing free tuition to both Undergraduate and Post-Graduate programs.

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Finland has recently launched tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students but still certain programs for UG, PG, and PhD students are free for all students.

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There might be other associated fees with the course but Austria Public Universities also offer free tuition for all students including international.


Iceland is one of the most affordable countries to study abroad. There might be some living expenses but Public Universities in Iceland are offering free tuition for all students.

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Public Universities of Slovenia are offering free tuition for UG programs but there might be fees for PG and consider living costs as well.

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Public Universities in Taiwan are offering free tuition for UG programs but there might be fees for PG and consider living costs as well.

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