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A mystery virus is spreading in some states of India.

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These states are Telangana, Hyderabad, Maharashtra, and Karnataka.

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Whether the virus is still unidentified, its initial symptoms are similar to those of influenza, COVID-19, and swine flu.

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Some of the Mystery Virus symptoms are: sore throat, runny nose, Fever, body pain, dry cough, respiratory distress, etc.

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This Mystery virus mainly attacks the respiratory tract of the patient and is affecting people of all age groups.

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According to doctors, there is no need to worry as the recovery rate of patients is 100%.

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Protection  - Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing, wear a mask in public places, follow social distancing, etc.

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Doctors are using Oseltamivir for the treatment of Mystery Virus and this has also been proven helpful.

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Patients who have recovered from the mystery virus are being advised by doctors to stay hydrated and keep themselves away from people.

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You too should protect yourself and your family from the virus.

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